Heal Your Inner Child Workshop

Lifetime Access Virtual Training

This workshop is for Healers and Self-Healers who want to blend EFT tapping and Inner Child work to heal scarcity mentality and align to a more abundant future.

  • Do you want to heal womb and birth trauma?

  • Reparent yourself at each stage of development (especially since truama affects the brain differently at each stage)!?

  • Release patterns of people pleasing and limitation picked up through conditioning, enmeshment, or untrained empathic gifts?

Then you’ve found the right place.

If you want to reparent your inner child and the conditioning that dims your true magnetic self , start course below.

 It will direct you to Login or Create an Account before enrolling.

Heal Your Inner Child Workshop
One time
For 3 months

What will you experience?

  • ✺ Pre Work

    Meet Your Inner Child

    • Reconnect to your most authentic self

    • Reconnect with true purpose on the planet

    • Downloadable Meditation to tap into Authentic Self

    • Printable Journal Page to remember your true essence and joy-sparkers

  • ✺ Foundation 1

    Inner Child 101

    • Who is the Inner Child?

    • What is Inner Child Work?

    • How can you blend EFT and Inner Child Healing

    • Downloadable Inner Child Tapping meditation

  • ✺ Foundation 2

    Reparenting & Empty Chair Technique 101

    • Introduction to gestalt-based “Two Chairs” Technique for Reparenting

    • The 4 Pillars of Reparenting

    • Pro Tips: moving from Surface Healing to Deep Lasting Healing

    • Pro Tips: Integrating Deep Healing to Present Day Success

  • ✺ Foundation 3

    Stages of Childhood Development

    • Womb: Emotional Baselines and Nervous System Health

    • 0-18 months: Trust vs. Mistrust

    • 18 months -3 years old: Autonomy vs. Shame

    • 3-5 years old: Initiative vs. Self Doubt

    • 5-13 years old: Competence vs. Self-Esteem Issues

    • 13-21 years old: Identity vs. People Pleasing

    • Daily tapping meditations for each stage of childhood development

  • ✺ Module 1


    What childhood conditioning holds back your success?

    • Identify the belief systems that shaped your childhood (and current blocks)

    • Chart inherited Belei > Behavior > Block Cycle

    • Learn to rewire Patterns of scarcity

    • Empty Chair Technique with Caregiver to Release Limiting Beliefs and Behaviors

    • Goal: Release Inherited Limiting Beliefs and Survival

  • ✺ Module 2


    How did you learn to get your needs met?

    • Attachment Style 101

    • Map how you receive love from father figure (males) and mother figure (females)

    • Map how you receive love from siblings (peers)

    • Reparenting Exercise to Untangle Toxic Love Connotations (i.g. love hurts) and Build Security

    • Goal: Create secure attachment

    • Live Q&A

  • ✺ Module 3


    Who Did You Learn to Be to Survive and Thrive?

    • Explore emotional traumas living in your nervous systems

    • Discover signature fear response and coping strategy

    • Two Chairs Technique to Reparent Your Younger ‘Confused’ Self

    • Goal: Release the Masks and Recconnect to Authentic Self

    • Live Q&A

  • ✺ Module 4


    How are your current blocks a mirror to unmet childhood needs?

    • Identify 12 Universal Needs and Your Signature Longings

    • Roadmap to Find Root Causes of Current Triggers

    • Daily Reparenting Exercise to Heal Younger Self

    • Goal: Use every daily triggers to heal younger self

    • Closing Live Q&A

  • ✺ Module 5


    What feelings were your family’s comfort zone?

    • Connect dots between current emotional baseline and early childhood

    • Bilateral Stimulation to Cultivale New Emotional Normal

    • Goal: Clear Enmeshment and Raise Your Vibe

    • Email Q&A: Ask Me Anything

  • ✺ Module 6

    Processing Repressed Feelings & Trauma

    • The 4 C’s of Reparenting

    • Using Age Appropriate Language when Reparenting

    • Reparenting for Visual People

    • Empty Chair Work Cheat Sheet and Tips

  • ✺ Module 7

    Reprogram Limiting Beliefs

    • Leveraging Doubt and Resistance in Inner Child Healing

    • Empowering Defiant Inner Children

    • Gestalt Based Exaggeration Technique to Dissolve Limitation

    • Dialogue Scripts to Replace Resistance with Release

  • ✺ Module 8

    Addressing Uncertainty & Self-Doubt

    • Root Cause of Uncertainty and Indecision

    • Find Clarity on a Big Life Decision

    • The Hindsight 22 Method for Healing Self-Doubt

    • Handling Uncertainty at Each Stage of Development

    • Letter Writing Exercise to Find Answers

  • ✺ Module 9

    Womb Work & Clearing Enmeshment

    • Clear Enmeshment between Mom and Baby

    • EFT Tapping and Surrogate EFT for Multiple Learning Styles (i.g. visual, kinesthetic, somatic, auditory)

    • Using Bilateral Stimulation and Eye Movement Desensitization to Clear Trauma Imprints

    • Surrogate Tapping for Birth Mother and Child

  • ✺ Module 10

    Meet Your Magnetic Self

    • Create Your Internal Safe Space

    • Bilateral Tapping to balance the brain and instill ideal outcomes

    • Daily Tapping Technique to Connect to Most Magnetic Self

    • Using Symbols and Imagery to Make Magnetism Your New Normal

  • ✺ Bonuses

    As soon as you enroll, enjoy:

    • EFT 101 Video MasterClass

    • Jackie’s E-book “Reparent Your Inner Child & Heal Scarcity Mentality”

    • Printable Charts on the 5 Stages of Childhood Brain Development

    • Exercise Cheat Sheet: Empty Chair Work with your Inner Child

    • Healing Roadmap for you & Clients: Printable Wheel of Life Roadmap to Create a Proactive Healing Roadmap for Yourself and Others

    • Coaching Fault Video Library to answer your FAQS

The Nuts & Bolts


  • Healers and Practitioners who want to blend EFT tapping and Inner Child healing in their work

  • Self-Healers who want to release the root cause of blocks in career and relationships

  • Coaches who crave evidence-based practices to release the root causes of their client’s blocks

No Prerequisites.


  • Due to digital nature, cancelations within 48 hours of purchase will receive a 90% refund.

  • Cancelations after 48 hours will receive a 0% refund

Immediate & Lifetime Access

  • Get immediate access to all modules, video lessons and past training recordings

  • Enjoy printable step-by-step PDF guides of exercises

  • Watch demonstrations of “real life” issues

  • Enjoy ever-expanding FAQ Video Portal

  • Revisit and learn for life


If you want to blend EFT Tapping with somatic Inner Child Work to release childhood scarcity and reparent from the ground up, click Start Course.

Heal Your Inner Child Workshop
One time
For 3 months

Why "Healing" Anxiety Made Mine Worse

I had a chronic fear of getting my hopes up. 

I had spent nearly two decades and tens of thousands of dollars trying to heal my anxiety. Every new book, teacher, or modality promised to finally get rid of my “issue.”

I started calling it a hope hangover: After the high of a new quick fix fades, you wake up as your same old anxious self.

It wasn’t until I woke up in my breezy cabin on a cliff at the esteemed Esalan Institue with a fat pit in my stomach that I realized: The desperate feeling of needing to get rid of my anxiety was the very thing that kept my anxiety locked in place.

I had flown to Northern California with Dawson Church to teach a group of therapists and healers how to use EFT tapping to help clients heal from trauma and chronic illness.

Was I a fraud? Teaching tools that promised anxiety relief but waking up with the anxious nausea of imposter syndrome?

Old me would have spent the morning tapping away my anxiety. Instead, I asked myself a question I’ve asked thousands of clients: What if you’re always anxious [insert current problem]? Could you be okay with that?

Why do you still wake up blocked, despite all the money and time invested?

Every single block we have (chronic illness, anxiety, anger, procrastination) is serving a purpose OR it wouldn’t be here. At one point, the very thing that limits your life and your clients’ lives, was something that was attempting to save your life in the past. 

Most people committed to lifelong healing learn that the reason they haven’t fully broken free is because they must not have found the root cause yet, or because they somehow aren’t consistent or diligent enough in their self-care practices.

It’s this pressure to find the root and finally break free that causes so many of my students to ask: When do we know we are finally DONE healing? 

Treating your issues like enemies makes them worse because every issue started as a creative way to cope:

  • Anxiety started as a creative way to anticipate and avoid worst-case scenarios.

  • Anger started as a way to protect yourself from bullies.

  • A loud inner critic started as a motivator to not slack off and get your parents’ love. 

Every issue, no matter how limiting in adulthood, started as a helpful way to survive or thrive.

How is your block protecting you?

On that chilly adrenaline-drenched morning, just hours before I had to present at Esalen, I decided to apologize to the anxious part of me.

  • I’m sorry for being so hard on you.

  • I’m sorry for being embarrassed by you.

  • I’m sorry I’ve paid people to get rid of you.

I began to see my anxiety as a five-year-old version of myself. It was a few days after her older brother had died on the street in front of her house. No one had protected her brother from the fast-moving car. No one had protected her from seeing him killed.

She had vowed to protect herself by becoming an expert at anticipating the worst-case scenario: Maybe if you see the scary car coming, it won’t hit you or the people you love.

This anxious part of me wasn’t my enemey. She was trying to be my protector: Thanks for trying to protect me. Thanks for caring so much about keeping me safe that you gave up your peace, playfulness and childhood for me. 

No longer being shamed, I felt this younger version of me let her guard down. I gave my inner child a hug: “I love you and all you’ve done for us. But guess what? What if I protect us today? What if were the grown-up so you can be the kid? How does that sound?”

She leaped into my arms, happy to have an adult in the room.

I’d spent so much money trying to get rid of anxiety instead of a) celebrating her protective role and then b) freeing her from the burden of continuing that role. 

I walked into my workshop that morning with so much compassion for her that I didn’t even call her anxiety: I called her excitement… excited to befriend a room of inner children who were waiting to be celebrated inside of my students.

As soon as you enroll, you can start enjoying:

Lifetime Access to Online Portal:

  • Downloadable EFT and Inner Child Meditations for each developmental stage

  • Reparenting exercises and transcripts

  • Step-by-step cheat sheets for each exercise

  • Pro tip videos to handle common sticky points and resistance on working with inner child

  • Online resource portal of video and audio exercises (including live call recordings from past trainings)

Walk away with an understanding of the wounds and gifts hidden in your teen, toddler, and infant self.  

Students will learn and practice:

  • Blending Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping) with Inner Child Work

  • Reparenting younger versions of self

  • Processing emotional traumas with somatic approaches

  • Reprogramming Limiting Beliefs picked up in childhood or inherited from caregivers

  • Clearing Patterns of Enmeshment and Codependency

  • Releasing the imprint of Womb and Birth Trauma

  • Integrating their most authentic and magnetic self

When we release unprocessed emotions and scarcity mentality from our past, we set ourselves free to live an empowered future.

Tools to Break the Cycle

Before I used Inner Child Work, I would work with clients in a cause-effect manner, always following their symptoms to the earliest past event. But something sticky would happen. Clients would tell me:

  • I already worked on that. 

  • I’m over it. 

  • It should make me upset, but it doesn’t. 

When someone experiences trauma, they build walls. They learn to hide their fear or shame behind layers of coping strategies.

In order to break down these walls and connect with the vulnerable truth, we need to connect with the inner child whose wounds are raw. 

How do we entice the inner child out of hiding or survival mode?

I designed this month-long deep dive into Inner Child Work to honor, heal, and integrate the younger parts of self. 

The guarded part. 

The lonely part.

The insecure part. 

The repressed part.

The rebellious and magical parts.

You will learn to seamlessly blend EFT/Tapping + Inner Child Work like a pro.

More Bonuses

Lifetime Access to Online Portal and Recordings:

  • Immediate Access to all live modules, past call recordings, and EFT Tapping meditations for each stage of development.

  • EFT/Tapping Meditations: Identify wounds and magnetism at each stage of development.

  • FAQ Video Library & Coaching Vault: A library of 5-10 minute videos answering must-know questions about inner child healing and challenges.

  • Jackie’s Must-Read List and Research for Inner Child Healing

  • Free Download of Jackie’s Ebook: Heal Your Inner Child


  • Yes!

    As soon as you enroll, you get immediate access to all modules, past recordings, and content.

    Complete each lesson at your own pace, and return to lessons again and again.

    You never lose access.

  • That’s OK- Make an account or Sign In to your existing account before joining.

    I’m using Squarespace for this, so they require you to create a free account (by entering name/email etc) before completing a purchase.

    If you already have an account, just SIGN IN when directed.

    These are the steps when you Join the Portal:

    1. Click one of Access Course buttons

    2. Sign in or Create your account

    3. Pay

    4. Click on View Product

    You’ll receive three emails:

    1. Order confirmation

    2. Link to online portal

    3. Welcome email

  • Nope.

    The E-book comes free with your purchase of his course.

    You’ll find the downloadable E-book in your portal when you enroll.

  • Option 1: Buy my Inner Child Ebook! It contains a 10% off code on the final page.

    • You can apply the code to the full pay or payment plan option

    Option 2: Try my 4-month payment plan!

  • Yes and yes.

    Certificate: After completing all the modules of my workshop, you get a beautiful certificate of completion to hang proudly.

  • Yes. You will have lifetime access to all online modules and bonuses

Have a question?

Email me at jackie@theeftmasterclass.com

Heal the past. Expand your future.

Heal the past. Expand your future.

If you want to break free from the patterns of the past, click Start Course for immediate + lifetime access.

It will direct you to Login or Create an Account before enrolling.

Heal Your Inner Child Workshop
One time
For 3 months

A Certificate Course for practitioners who want to specialize in Inner Child Healing and Empty Chair Work.