EFT Level 1/2 Online Modules

Jackie is an Accredited Master Trainer with EFTInternational

  • Do you want to move emotional trauma out of the body?

  • Are you craving evidence-based practices that blend heart with science?

  • Do you feel called to support others with EFT/Tapping (so they can support themselves)?

We can read all the books, see all the healers, and understand the ins and outs of attachment style, but the problem persists… no matter how many therapy appointments or healing sessions.

Pema Chodron said, “Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.” I’ll add that once we “learn the lesson” on a mental level, we must teach it to our body on a physiological level.  

The truth is:

We need somatic tools that not only release the pattern on a mental level, but a nervous system level.

Next Steps

My self-directed EFT Certification is open for 2025.

To apply, please DM me @jackieviramontez or email me jackie@theeftmasterclass.com

Lifetime Access Online Modules

  • ✺ Foundation 1

    Create a Proactive Healing Roadmap

    • Chart the Personal & Professional Goals

    • Map the Underlying Resistance, Fear and Unconscious Limiting Beliefs that stand in the way of goals

    • Use Jackie’s Format to help clients turn issues into goals

    • Bonus: Future-Self Intention Setting EFT Meditation

  • ✺ Foundation 2

    History of EFT

    • How EFT elevates Talk Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Acupuncture, and Meditation

    • The Roots in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    • Roots in Exposure Therapy,

    • Roots in Kinesiology, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

  • ✺ Foundation 3

    The Science of Stress and Health

    • Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn

    • Parasympathetic vs Sympathetic States

    • The Triune Brain

    • Ripple Effect of Stress = Symptoms

    • Ripple Effect of Stress Reduction = Healing

    • Physical, Mental, Emotional and Relational Health Side Effects

  • ✺ Foundation 4

    The Brain on Trauma

    • How Talk & Exposure Therapy Fall Short

    • How to Speak to the Limbic Brain

    • Tools for Nervous System Regulation

  • ✺ Foundation 5

    The Science of Neuroplasticity, Nueropathways & Limiting Beliefs

    • The Science of Neuroplasticity and Nueropathways

    • The Tru Cause of Limiting Beliefs and How to Rewire Them

    • How Moments Create Beliefs

    • How Trauma Hardwires Behavior

    • How Tapping ReWrites the Past

    • Imagination vs. Reality in Healing & Peak Performance

  • ✺ Module 1

    EFT for Emotional Regulation

    • The Body’s Wisdom

    • Using Blocks as Opportunities for Growth

    • Blending EFT and Other Modalities

      • Breathwork EFT Tapping

      • Mindfulness EFT Tapping

      • Body Awareness Tapping

  • ✺ Module 2

    EFT for Emotional Triggers

    • EFT for Triggers

      • EFT for Anxiety

      • EFT for Anger

      • EFT for Insecurity

      • EFT for [insert emotional trigger here]

    • Using Sensory Triggers to Reprogam Your Blocks

    • Introduction to Eye Movements (bilateral stimulation) for somatic release

  • ✺ Module 3

    EFT for Physical Health, Physical Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Pain

    • The 6 EFT Approaches for Physical Health

    • EFT for Pain, Headaches, Migraines, Backaches, Acne, Hormone Imbalance

    • EFT for Chronic Illness

    • EFT for Protective Function of Health Issues

    • EFT for Root Causes of Symptoms

    • EFT for Trauma & Illness

  • ✺ Module 4

    EFT for Cravings & Addictions

    • The 6 EFT Approaches for Cravings & Addictions

    • EFT for Food and Substances

    • EFT for Screen Time and Social Media

    • EFT for Cravings and Addictions

    • EFT for Secondary Gain of Cravings

    • EFT for Root Causes of Cravings

    • EFT for Trauma

    • EFT for Positive Associations

  • ✺ Module 5

    EFT for Core Issues & Root Causes

    • EFT for Limiting Beliefs

    • The 6 EFT Approaches for Limiting Beliefs

    • The Generalization Technique and How it Superspeeds Healing

    • Foolproof Process to Move from Surface Issue to Root Cause

    • Pat Carrington’s Choices method: Instilling Empowered Perspectives to Close a Session

  • ✺ Module 6

    EFT for Triggering Memories

    • How to Tap on Emotionally Charged Memories Safely

    • Tapping on Unaddressed Sensory Triggers

    • Tap Away Frame by Frame aka The EFT Movie Technique

    • How to Work on Trauma Capsules or Forgotten Memories

    • Box it Up: How to Safely End a Session when You Opened a Can of Worms

  • ✺ Module 7

    EFT for Trauma

    • Create Safety: Ready, Willing & Open

    • The 3 EFT Gentle Techniques for Trauma

    • EFT for Readiness, Willingness and Openess to Healing

    • Empower the Victim with EFT’s Tearless Trauma Techniqu

    • Create Internal Safety with EFT’s Chasing the Emotional Pain Technique

    • Tools for Emotional Flooding

    • Avoiding Retraumitization with Big T Trauma

    • Grounding & Resourcing Techniques for Trauma Survivors

  • ✺ Module 8

    EFT for Goals & Peak Performance

    • The 6 EFT Approaches for Reaching Goals

    • Uncovering Unconscious Blocks to Success

    • Tailenders Technique: EFT for Releasing Unconscious Resistance

    • Inner Conflict and Its Role in Procrastination and Settling i.g. procrastination, fear, not-enoughness, unconscious self-sabotage etc

    • The Protective Function of Staying Stuck i.g. the fear of failure, rejection, and embarking into the unknown

    • Advanced Point Theory for Self-Sabotage and Staying Stuck

    • Create an EFT Session Roadmap to move from Issue to Goal

  • ✺ Module 9

    EFT for Special Groups

    • Intro to EFT for Kids & Teen

    • Intro to EFT Group Work

    • Intro to Surrogate Tapping (Distant Remote Healing)

    • Tapping for those who cannot tap on themselves i.e. infant, elderly, illness

    • Tapping for Animals

    • Pregnancy Precautions

  • ✺ Module 10

    Get UNSTUCK from Common Blocks

    • The 4 Clinical Testing Methods for STUCK Issues

    • EFT for Visual Clients

    • EFT and Somatic Reenactment

    • EFT in REAL TIME

    • The Art of Curious Questions to Uncover Unresolved Triggers

    • The Use of Exaggeartaion

    • Alternate EFT Points

    • Pro Tips to Ensure Shifts Actually Stick

  • ✺ Module 11

    Creating a Powerful Session Roadap

    • How to Structure a Powerful 60-minute session

    • The 5 common obstacles to supporting clients who are stuck

    • Knowing what techniques to use when

    • Pro Tips and FAQS when working with challenging clients or issues

  • ✺ Module 12

    Scope of Practice Ethics and Accreditation

    • How to build a referral system to support your clients

    • Scope of Practice & Referral Systems

    • Scripts to refer out clients who fall outside your Scope

    • Ethics & Codes of Conduct

    • Life Long Learning Opportunities

    • Steps to Become an Accredited Certified EFT Practitioner: Moving from EFT Skills to EFT Practitioner

The Nuts & Bolts


Equip yourself with a tool you can use for life: These 48 evidence-based EFT strategies cover EFT for symptoms, emotional patterns, limiting beliefs, root causes, trauma, procrastination, pain, and peak performance.


You do NOT need to be a counselor or practitioner to attend. No prior training is necessary


  • Due to digital nature, cancelations within 48 hours of purchase will receive a 90% refund.

  • Cancelations after 48 hours will receive a 0% refund

Lifetime & Immediate Access

  • Get immediate access to all modules, past training recordings, and Q&A portal

  • Enjoy printable step-by-step PDF guides of exercises and best practices

  • Watch demonstrations of “real life” issues

  • This self-paced online class is great for healers who are considering becoming a certified EFT Practitioner.

EFT Online Modules vs. EFT Practitioner Certification

This Online Workshop is NOT a replacement for Becoming a Practitioner.

To become a practitioner, you can begin an intimate mentorship journey of practice sessions, weekly Mentoring calls with Master Trainer Jackie Viramontez, and more.

Anyone who has prepaid for the online modules WILL receive a discount if they join Jackie’s Practitioner Certification track.

Next Steps

My self-directed EFT Certification is open for 2025.

To apply, please DM me @jackieviramontez or email me jackie@theeftmasterclass.com

Is this for you?

You do NOT need to be a practitioner to become trained in Level 1/2. If you feel called to equip others with EFT, secure your spot in the EFT practitioner cohort which gives you immediate access to these online modules.

  • Many of my students have been…

    • Coaches who want trauma-informed tools to break through unconscious resistance

    • Yogis who want to not only release energetic blocks but interrupt the mental loops that perpetuate their client’s limiting beliefs

    • Teachers who believe that social-emotional neuroplasticity is the future of education

    • Therapists who want to move beyond understanding root causes, and instead somatically release root causes 

    • Parents who wanted to begin a fulfilling career that gives them the freedom to be present with their family

What Students are Saying:


I cannot put into words what a great teacher Jackie is, she goes above and beyond to make sure her students are learning to the very best of their ability. She is clear, concise, so thorough AND so relatable. I would recommend Jackie to anyone who is interested in training in EFT.

  • Michelle, Level 1&2 Workshop

Jackie’s way of teaching made understanding the Science behind EFT so clear and fun! I would recommend Jackie’s trainings to everybody. Jackie is very professional, generous with sharing her knowledge and provides amazing value.

  • Morgane, Level 1&2 Workshop

Holy Guacamole! What a transformative experience!!! Holy Trinity of healing for me- Mind, Body and spirit.

— M, EFT Level 1&2 Workshop

Jackie is an inspiration. The examples I watched and the personal experiences I had will stay with me forever. She facilitated the group with a high level of professionalism, wisdom, and warmth and helped create a mini healing community spanning the globe.

  • Anonymous, Level 1&2 Workshop

Meet Your Instructor


Jackie Viramontez is a Master Level EFT Trainer with over a decade of experience with EFT, Energy Psychology, and Inner Child Healing.

She built her practice empowering adults and teens ready to break free from trauma, people-pleasing, sexual abuse, and anxiety.

She has a heart for empath healers and parents facing (postpartum) anxiety and depression since it’s a potent container to reparent the inner child.

Her mission is to train the next generation of healing practitioners how to blend trauma-informed EFT tapping with Inner Child Work, Internal Family Systems (IFS), and EMDR based modalities. 

My Motivation

This generation is more educated about their physical and mental health than ever before, but the rates of stress, anxiety, and illness continue to grow. 

My life changed when I found a tool that went to the emotional depths I craved, but that I could explain to my most logical colleague. It’s an honor to teach it to the next generation.

I was one of the 302 million (NIMH) people experiencing anxiety when I found Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping). I was on medication. I had seen dozens of healers. I WAS in the healing field.

When the relief of a session or pill would wear off, I would find myself in the same space: Anxious and disempowered. I was dependent on the quick fix of a supplement or expensive practitioner. Even worse, I was a trained Reiki Master, yogi, vegan, and avid reader with a library of books on healing. If anyone should have been able to “heal” themselves, it was me.

I felt like an imposter.

After 2 decades of

holistic healing....

In 2011, I was sitting on a couch in my Santa Monica apartment when my life changed. A family member sent me a video link of someone “tapping” away anxiety.

While skeptical, I tapped along. The tension in my jaw lifted. My brain fog cleared. My very loud inner critic turned down her volume. Could it be this easy?

For the first time, I was not at the mercy of someone or something else to feel better. I had a tool to take my health and wellness into my own hands.

Cut to three months later: I found myself on a plane to my first EFT/Tapping Training. I walked in as a Reiki Master and School Teacher and walked out on track to be a Certified EFT Practitioner. That workshop was the workshop I now teach today, this one!

I continued to do table work and tutor, but EFT/Tapping allowed me to provide for myself in a way that was not only fulfilling but legacy-building.

Now, if a client or student walked into my life only one time, I was giving them a tool they would use for life.

Testimonials started popping into my inbox:

  • “You saved my marriage, and in 3 sessions no less.”

  • “I just booked my first full-paying client! I didn’t even feel nervous telling them my rate!”

  • “I want to use my final session on a new topic. My back pain (of 20 years) is completely gone. Can we work on my career goals instead?”

I was teaching clients to not be at mercy of someone or something else to feel better. I was giving them a tool to take their future into their own hands; A tool that was backed by the latest research, and only took a few minutes to learn.

Now, 10+ years later, I teach for the largest accredited EFT Organization in the world, and I hear from hundreds of future practitioners who share the same sentiment: 

They tell me: “I don’t want students or clients to be dependent on me. I want to empower them with tools to support themselves.

What Students are Saying:


Jackie is one of the most genuine and compassionate people I have met. Her integrity and authenticity shine alongside her intuitive brilliance as an instructor and practitioner. Her soothing voice and unconditional positive regard are healing in themselves. The way she holds space for learning and healing are truly transformative. My personal life and work have been elevated by her wisdom and the practical experience. Not only am I benefiting from what I am learning--my family, community, and clients are also benefiting. I highly recommend every new EFT or Energy practitioner to work with Jackie so we can carry her ripples out into the world.

  • Candice, EFT Practitioner, Herbalist, Health Educator, EFT Level 3 Training

Jackie is an amazing trainer. Very knowledgeable, available and kind. She’s also very gentle when leading a demo, especially when the client/student is emotional or having a hard time. When there’s a chance to take another course with her, I definitely will. I feel more equipped now to use EFT on myself and on clients.

  • Anonymous Student, Level 1&2 Workshop

I was a bit apprehensive about so many hours on Zoom but you made the class interesting, interactive, and educational. Zoom was not an issue at all!

  • Anonymous Student, Level 1&2 Workshop

If you feel called to…

address the root causes of physical and emotional pain (i.g. back pain, hormonal imbalance, adrenal fatigue, migraines, etc), release the protective function of limiting behaviors and beliefs (i.e. anxiety, people-pleasing, codependency, procrastination, etc), and align to personal and professional goals, reserve your seat below.

Next Steps

My self-directed EFT Certification is open for 2025.

To apply, please DM me @jackieviramontez or email me jackie@theeftmasterclass.com