Help your practitioner and our training grow. All feedback is anonymous: Your Practitioner's Name After the session I felt (check any that apply): Calm Clear Compassionate Grounded Hopeful Motivated Creative Free Transformed Afraid "Out of it" Exposed Emotionally Raw Drained Confused Frustrated Did the session flow in the direction you wanted? Yes No What are you able to feel, do, or achieve more easily now? Did you experience any surprising shifts or changes that you want to share? What were the practitioner's main strengths that would make them stand out from other practitioners? We expect our practitioners to create a safe space by being fully present, listening, leading without an agenda, validating your feelings (vs making you feel judged) and using your words and perspective to guide the session: Do you feel your practitioner created this kind of space for you? Explain if applicable. What would have made the session feel more effective? In your opinion, how did this session compare to a traditional talk therapy or coaching session? People ask: "How does EFT compare to talk therapy?" We would like to start tracking it with your answers. It was the equivalent of 5-10 therapy sessions It was more beneficial than a typical therapy or coaching session It was about the same benefit as a typical therapy session I find traditional therapy and coaching more beneficial I did not find this session to be valuable OTHER FEEDBACK: Use the space below to share any feedback that might help the training or practitioner be their best. * TESTIMONIALS: Use the space below to share any success stories you want me to pass along to the practitioner. Feel free to include your first name, job title, website, and/or city if the practitioner ends up using your success story on their website. The rest of your survey will be anonymous! You are the absolute best! Your feedback will be read with care!As a sincere thank you…Enjoy 5 free tapping meditations to create your ideal future.Just keep tapping,Jackie ViramontezMaster EFT Tapping & Inner Child Trainer