Meet your future self.

Jump into your portal 1-2x per week to release blocks between you and your future.



Quick Links

Your Bonus Courses

  • Bonus 1: EFT 101 Mini Course

    New to EFT? Learn the Basics PLUS Pro Tips to get the most bang for your buck.

  • Bonus 2: 3 Phases of Breakthrough

    Breakthrough blocks by 1) Listening to your blocks as messages 2) Letting Go of what no longer serves you and 3) Embodying your ideal future.

  • Bonus 3: Technique Science

    Learn the art and science of the techniques you’ll find in this portal: Energy Therapy, Breathwork, Inner Child Work, and EFT tapping.

  • Bonus 4: 5 Day Tapping Challenge

    Want to kick off your healing with 5 consistent days of growth? Enjoy free access to my bonus challenge. Then use the library of tools below to level up.

Your Tapping Library

Raise Your Vibe


Daily Miracles

Suggested Use: Connect to the energy of jubilation and the possibility of everyday miracles.

Tapping & Energy Mindfulness


Joy Boost

Suggested Use: Elevate your mood, raise your energetic vibe, and manifest your highest intention.

Tapping & Energy Mindfulness


Parts Tapping

Suggested Use: Hold space for a limiting part of you and then let a more empowered part of self come to the surface.

Tapping & Parts Work


Get In the Flow

Suggested Use: Drop into flow state to find your highest self, creative potential, and deep gratitude.

Breathwork & Visualization


Manifest Your Goals


Future Self

Suggested Use: Envision the details of your ideal future and what you want to make happen over the next 9 months.

Tapping & Visualization

Use in conjunction with 5 Day Tapping Challenge. Free Access with your membership.


Career & Money Goals

Suggested Use: Release limiting beliefs blocking your career & finances (effective for any goal type).

Tapping & Intention Setting


Limiting Beliefs

Suggested Use: Release limiting beliefs and cultivate an ideal mindset.

Tapping & Intention Setting



Suggested Use: Release limiting beliefs blocking your health goals (effective for any goal type).

Tapping & Intention Setting


Stress & Anxiety


Anxiety Triggers

Suggested Use: Release anxiety and connect to best-case scenarios regarding a specific situation/person.

What If Tapping


Stress Relief

Suggested Use: Let go of conscious and unconscious sources of stress with a quick tapping exerice.

Tapping & Lymphatic Points



Suggested Use: Transform mental negativity and emotional stagnation for positivity and hope.

Tapping & Parts Work


Inner Child Tapping

Suggested Use: Connect to the younger version of you carrying anxiety and give them what they need to feel peace.

Tapping & Inner Child Work




Confidence Boost

Suggested Use: Release insecure energy and align to your most confident and worthy self.

Tapping & Parts Work


“I’m Not Enough”

Suggested Use: Release feelings of “Not good enough” and reconnect to your value.

Tapping & Parts Work

Download Bonus “EFT for Insecurity” Audio here


Root Causes

Suggested Use: Shift insecurity, shame, or guilt by reprogramming a memory that taught you to feel “bad.”

Tapping & Inner Child Work


Self Love

Suggested Use: Stop nitpicking and treat yourself with compassion and respect regarding a specific situation.

Tapping & Visualization


Procrastination & Productivity



Suggested Use: Tap into the energy of enthusiasm and motivation regarding a specific project or task.

Tapping & Parts Work



Suggested Use: Breakthrough procrastination and resistance by connecting to ease and flow.

Tapping & Visualization


To-Do List Overwhelm

Suggested Use: Vent and release to-do-list-stress and open to being more efficient than you thought possible.

Tapping & Intention Setting


Take the First Step

Suggested Use: Release resistance to a specific weekly goal by imagining one small step at a time (Kaizen).

Tapping & Visualization


Daily Rituals



Suggested Use: Pave neuropathways that help you create your ideal day using neuroplasticity and intention.

Tapping & Energetics


Heart Coherence

Suggested Use: Reset your mood with brain-heart coherence, proven to boost creativity, intuition, and productivity.

Breathwork & Gratitude



Suggested Use: Become deeply present and grounded.

Breathwork & Body Awareness


Deep Sleep

Suggested Use: Drift off to dream land as you sink into zen-like sleep.

Tapping & Yoga Nidra


Recovering People-Pleaser


People Pleasing

Suggested Use: Put your needs first, ditch self-abandonment, and lovingly set boundaries.

Contemplative Question Tapping



Suggested Use: Set physical, mental, and energetic boundaries with a specific person.

Tapping, Parts & Visualization



Suggested Use: Ground yourself in this truth: You don’t need to be everything for everyone all of the time.

Tapping & Parts Work


Root Causes

Suggested Use: Discover root causes of people-pleasing by honoring and reparenting your inner child.

Tapping & Inner Child Work


Recovering Perfectionist



Suggested Use: Shift from perfectionism to peace and own your perfectly imperfect self.



Inner Critic

Suggested Use: Quiet a loud inner critic by shifting emotional and energetic negativity.

Tapping & Energy Mindfulness


Grace & Compassion

Suggested Use: Hold space for overwhelming feelings of inadequacy and self-deprecation through empathy.

Empathy Meditation


Root Causes

Suggested Use: Reparent the inner child who learned that “being perfect” was the only way.

Inner Child Work


Relationships & Family


Family Drama

Suggested Use: Rise above toxic energy, drama, and triggers regarding a specific person i.e. friend, family, co-worker.

Tapping & Intention-Setting


Surrender Control

Suggested Use: Surrender control of the fears, feelings, and assumptions that steal your relational peace.

Breathwork & Visualization



Suggested Use: Break codependent attachments and unwanted soul-ties to a specific person past or present.

Tapping & Cord-Cutting


Relationship Goals

Suggested Use: Release limiting beliefs blocking your relationship goals (effective for any goal type).

Tapping & Intention Setting


Emotional Mastery



Suggested Use: Anger can be fuel to set boundaries and speak up for your needs. Tap into its power and lose the toxicity.

Breathwork & Question Tapping



Suggested Use: Lean into the shadowy emotion and discover your deeper needs and longings.




Suggested Use: Give yourself space to process the five stages of grief: denial, guilt, anger, sadness, and acceptance.




Suggested Use: Find clarity when facing a difficult decision by releasing fear, connecting to your core values, and trusting your intuition.

Two Hands Technique


Physical Health


Vibrant Health

Suggested Use: Nurture your body’s innate healing abilities as you embody vibrant health and immunity.

Tapping & Energy Mindfulness


Physical Symptoms

Suggested Use: Release the intensity of physical symptoms like colds, headaches, or other aches and pains.

Tapping & Energy Mindfulness


Root Causes

Suggested Use: Release underlying emotions of frustration, grief, and/or fear regarding a physical symptom.

Tapping & Inner Child Work



Suggested Use: Release cravings (i.g. sugar, alcohol, fries) by tapping into your desired feelings, substance-free!

Tapping & Energy Mindfulness


Seasons & Cycles


Full Moon Reset

Suggested Use: Use monthly to track your growth and areas that still need to heal. Use the printable PDF to record tapping reflections.

Tapping & Journaling


Summer Solstice

Suggested Use: On the first day of summer, celebrate growth and assess what still needs pruning. Use the printable PDF to record reflections.

Tapping & Journaling


Fall/Spring Equinox

Suggested Use: On the first day of spring or fall, set intentions for your personal and professional life. Use the printable PDF to record reflections.

Tapping & Journaling


Winter Solstice

Suggested Use: On the first day of winter, nourish your reserves and make peace with a season of dormancy. Use the printable PDF to record reflections.

Tapping & Journaling


Spirit & Poetry


Hafiz Poetry

Connect to the support of spirit, love, and magic with Hafiz’s poem: “How will you dance with God today?”

Poetry Meditation


Rumi Poetry

Connect to grace, surrender, and a higher perspective with Rumi’s poem, The Guest House

Poetry Meditation


Infinite Possibility

Connect to divine possibility with scripture: “I can do more than you could ever ask or imagine.”

Poetry Meditation


Connecting to Source

Connect to otherworldy peace and stillness with scripture: “Be still and know that I am god.”

Poetry Meditation



Anxious bodies want to move…


Take Up Space

Embody power and authenticity by intentionally taking up space physically and energetically.

21 min


Sun Salutation.

Practice the basic salutation postures in this simple yet sweaty flow.

32 min


Move through a ladder flow, building on each posture and your level of compassion for yourself and others.



Inner Thighs

Enjoy this funky flow to strengthen your inner thighs and pelvic floor.

27 min

Detox & Twist

Suggested Use: Detox stagnant energy and toxins, so you can make space for more joy!

26 min


Balance & Clarity

Bring balance and focus to the body and mind with a sweaty vinyasa flow.

40 min

Warrior Flow

Connect to your inner strength and humility with a warrior posture series. Great for grounding and core!

28 min


Yin Restorative

Release trapped emotional truama with a relaxing restorative flow.

27 min

Breathe Focused

Align breathe with movement for peace of mind, grounding and presence.

28 min


Morning Wake Up

Wake up the body and connect to your center with this energizing flow.

27 min


Strengthen your core and enliven your solar plexus with this vinyasa flow.

30 min


Midday Reset

Refresh your body by embracing new mental and physical postures.

25 min

Twist & flow

Detox negativity and limiting beliefs and find your inner strength!

26 min


Find Your Center

Ground scattered energy with a gentle core-focused flow.

20 min

Yin Yang

Break a sweat and then rest with this two-part flow from fast to slow.

36 min


Hip Opener

Take it slow and release stuck emotion with a gentle hip opener flow.

27 min