Still struggling after two dozen sessions

What should I tap on with someone who has worked on the same issue for 20+ sessions, but keeps backsliding without permanent change?

Here’s a 60 second clip of an answer I shared with a group of students:

If your life is a courtroom and your body is the evidence you show the jury about who hurt you… who would be off the hook (handcuff-free) if you finally healed?

Breakthrough can feel like deleting the evidence.

If your story was invalidated, your body might hold onto evidence of that story in the form of physical, financial, or emotional struggle.

Chronic illness, anxiety, or lack (of love or money) might be a form of evidence you’re unconsciously holding onto as proof that your past pain happened to all the people who said it didn’t.

The risk of permanent healing is that all those people who hurt you could point and say: “See! You are fine. See! You are making it up. See I didn’t hurt you that bad… you’re thriving.”

  • Were you ever told your symptoms were “all in your head?”

  • Made to feel that your trauma was, “not that bad compared to… ?”

  • Or seen dozens of practitioners with no lasting breakthrough?

Being dismissed is an often overlooked reason we stay stuck; The psychological term for this is Secondary Gain.

Secondary Gain = A form of inner conflict where part of us doesn’t want to let go of a symptom or struggle.

Now you know why I teach people to tap and use trauma-informed prompts like:

Of course you feel this

I hear you

Your feelings are valid

They make sense

They’re justified.”

Simple yet powerful validation moves clients from temporary to permanent breakthrough.

Lasting breakthrough happens when there are no hidden parts holding on to pain as proof that the trauma happened.

What can trauma informed tapping do?

  • Clean away the abuser’s fingerprints.

  • Throw away trauma’s blade.

  • Validate the story which gives the wounded part permission to write a new story.

Validation brings liberation.

So, what would I ask a client who’s seen a dozen practitioners but still feels stuck?

“Who would be off the hook if you healed?”

Every person will answer differently.

It’s what we do with the answer that matters.

So, what do we do with the answer?

That’s what we practice during the weekly classes and office hours (clipped above) in this year’s 6-month EFT practitioner and Advanced Practitioner  training.

If you want to a) Tap away the root reasons we hold on to pain and procrastination and b) Help others write their new story, join me in the upcoming Practitioner Cohort.

Now Enrolling EFT Level 1/2/3 with Trauma Informed + Somatic Inner Child Specializations.

P.P.S This is not just a workshop but a 6 month journey where you will graduate with your cohort as Certified EFT Practitioner or Master Level 3 EFT & Somatic Inner Child Practitioner, ready for business and ready to help others break free.

It includes all access to online modules + live training + bonus specialty workshops + 24/7 WhatsApp mentoring.

If you’re unsure if you qualify, email me before cart closes


Day 7: Waiting to Feel


Why I Fell in Love with Art Based EFT Tapping