Two Tapping Truths for Unshakeable Credibility

Being on east coast all month reminds me how much value is placed on titles, degree, and pedigree.

Grown men still introduce themselves as “Yale class of 74.” 🙄

I grew up thinking that if I didn’t go IVY LEAGUE I shouldn’t go at all.

I spent over 150k getting a degree that made me feel temporarily credible.

I wish I could tell 18 yo Jackie that she could forfeit the impressive handshake of doctor or psychiatrist. Instead she could pay a FRACTION of that 💰 (probably 2 class credits worth) and get trained in EFT Tapping… which was a ticket to 2 truths to feeling unconditionally credible.

EFT: my favorite way to rewire outdated beliefs

Two truths and a lie about what actually makes you credible:

Lie: You need a fancy title or degree to impress people.

Truth 1: You can be impressive by empowering clients and customers to feel deeply satisfied.

Truth 2: When your life and legacy are admirable, people will admire you.

Maybe I won’t get the impressed approval of the Yale grad, but I get the approval of thousands of clients who have a tool to

change their life:

“You saved my marriage.”

“That was worth 10 years of therapy.”

A satisfied client email after one session is worth more than letters after my name.

If it’s hard to internalize a new version of credibility, think of your favorite author: Do you care where they went to school? Or do you share their book because you know it changes lives?

Credibility Challenge: Focus all your energy on changing people’s lives until you couldn’t care less about sounding or seeming credible.

  • On the East Coast where I grew up it was all about title money and degree . If I haven’t heard of your school, you’re a nobody.

  • When I moved to California, 1/2 my friends didn’t go to college. Status cam from blue checkmark appearance and your Instagram following. If you have less than 10k followers, you’re a nobody.

    If you chase external validation, you’ll find internal insecurity (unless you vow to never leave your hometown).

    External signs of credibility always change, but the impact you have on someone’s life will literally live on.

If you’ve been feeling the familiar pit of not-enoughness, try this:

  • List the people you’ve impacted over the last 4 years (the time you might spend in pursuing a degree).

  • It could be a child you helped feel seen or a colleague whose mood you lifted.

  • If you have one item on your list: You’re already credible.

  • If you have more than 2, you’re already leaving a legacy.

Bonus EFT Tapping Challenge:

1. Tap on the moments that made you feel not credible.

2. Tap on the resistance to making the impact you’re here to make.

3. Tap on the fear of taking the first step.

I have a mission for the upcoming EFT practitioner cohort.

What if we calculate what we’ve spent on temporary credibility (i.g. degree, title, or appearance) and make it our mission to impact that many lives instead?

Maybe that’s the mission of the first-ever EFT Clinic that this cohort will launch! Reaching 150k lives with EFT.

Long term example: You spend 150k on college = Your mission is to impact 150k lives
Short term example: You spend 350 on your appearance this month = Your mission is to reach 350 people in 30 days.

If you feel rooted in a greater WHY that transcends the flaky worth of East or West Coast programming (jk), you can learn about this year’s Practitioner Certification Cohort here.

Click image to read all learning modules, live call deep dives, and Q&A schedule.


Practitioner PSA: You’re not supposed to work with everyone on everything


🧐 Why Another Certification Won’t Cure Your Impostor Syndrome