Next Step 1: Take at least one week to integrate the shifts over this month.
When you feel triggered, remind yourself to:
Unplug from judgment
Plug into compassion
Connect to curiosity
Get honest about your fears and needs
Connect to your highest intentions and…
Take courageous action!
Step 2 Connect to Emotional Mastery
Now that you’ve navigated away from self judgemnt and toward compassionate curiosity and courage (thats a lot of c’s), we the following courses to continue your self-healing. Whiel we suggest this order, we trust your gut to make the best decision for you.
Join my growing membership community: I wanted to create an affodable way to enjoy all the courses. My idea was to create a membership where you pay $25 per month for access to ALL my self -guided courses. If you are not already a member, join her
EFT Tapping 101 Course: In this class you’ll learn how to use EFT Tapping for self-healing for the limiting emotions, beliefs, or memories that trigger you. With these foundational skills, you will be equipped to face any block. Explore course here OR get free access when you become a member.
Emotional Mastery Course: In this class you’ll explore your relatoinship to the five survival emoations: Fear, Disgust, Shame, Grief, and Anger. Explore course here OR get free access when you become a member.
Breakthrough & Freedom Program: In this seasonal 8 week program, I work with you to identify the eight root causes of your your main personal, professional and relational blocks. Check out the dates for the next group. Only reccoemnded if you are willing to truly unearth your shit, so you can make fertilizer for future growth. Reserve your spot here.
Step 3: Tell me what you think
I’m a life long learner. Please tell me what you think in this anonymous survey.
If it tickles your fancy, you can leave a testimonial or review on our class page here.
Step 4: Receive my gratitude.
Without you, I couldn’t share or create what I love. Thank you for doing the brave work of diving into the dark places. Your willingness to heal and expand is spreading riplles of healing light uch farther than you know.
Thank you.
Step 5: Share ideas for future courses!
If you ever have ideas for future courses, or resources you wish I would create, feel free to send ideas my way.