Tap Away 6 Subsconcious Success Blocks (Part 2)
I hope you had fun tapping away triggers and beliefs that steal your peace and progress yesterday.
Today I’m diving deeper into why Limiting Beliefs and Past memories can really impact our business (even if we’ve done a ton of inner work on them).
Block #4: Deservingsness
We can believe that success is possible, but if we don’t believe we deserve it, we will sabotage ourselves in sneaky ways.
For example, logically I knew I should value myself as much as my clients.
Early on, a mentor told me to always charge money for my sessions. Great… until a client with a chronic illness called, explained she was financially strapped, and then asked what I charged.
I stumbled, “Well normally I charge for three sessions at a time but if you want to just sample it for free first that would be okay.”
I worked through this trigger (see part 1 on triggers) until I could confidently say my rates (and stand firm about them) no matter what type of client called. But when an especially desperate client or student would share their sob story I would feel twisting guilt. Why?
Under this common trigger is a dark inner voice.
The voice says: “If you don’t work with this person for free, it means you must not care about them.”
I call these “I’m a bad person if...” beliefs.
Deservingness beliefs trigger shame.
They lower your sense of self-worth.
You can uncover blocks in success deservingness by finishing the following sentence starters:
I’m a bad person if I….
Charge a lot of money helping people
Don’t work with someone who can’t afford me
I would be considered selfish/egotistical if I…
Raised my rates
Set a boundary and said I wouldn’t perform new roles without adequate compensation
People might judge me if I…
Charge x amount
Say my services really matter
If I was truly a good person I would want to….
Work for free and live more minimally
Do whatever my team says even if it totally crosses my boundaries
Not take any vacation so my team doesn’t bear the brunt
The last ones are for my recovering people pleasers. I feel you.
The logical part of you knows that doctors charge tens of thousands of dollars for patients to get x-rays. Some people go online and drop $150 shopping (without batting an eye) for items they might throw away a year from now. But, who are you to charge a few hundred bucks for a service that might just change their life? (I love doctors by the way, but I’m pointing out a common hypocrisy).
You deserve to be compensated for your contribution to clients.
I know you know this, but tapping will help you raise your subconscious deservingness bar.
Block #5: Secondary Gain
Why do we lower our bar when someone questions our prices? #1 Lack of Desrvingess but #2 is Secondary Gain.
Secondary gain is a psychological term to explain how everything we do, even success blocks, have a payoff.
For instance:
When you lower your rates for a client, the payoff is feeling generous.
When you choose to stay in a soul-sucking job, the payoff is the stability of a 9-5.
When you delay raising your rates, the payoff is that you don’t have to feel the pressure to deliver to a higher standard.
When you procrastinate on launching your website, the payoff is avoiding the ridicule of family or peers who might think your side hustle is foolish.
Secondary gain is not shameful, it’s a reality. Every behavior and habit, however limiting, serves us in some way.
Procrastination, dropping boundaries, and lowering our standards are creative ways to stay in our comfort zone and avoid risk.
For example, I spent years only charging $125 for a 90-minute EFT session. That might sound great, but the average ranges from $150 - $350 for a 60-minute session.
My payoff was knowing that my clients would feel satisfied with that price. They would feel like I was a “steal” and “deal.” They would never walk away thinking, “That was not worth the money.
My low rates managed my client-expectation comfort zone.
It takes a brave student to admit how their blocks actually serve some part of them, but once you OWN your payoffs, the results are priceless.
You can raise the rates, go for the promotion, ask for time off, or finally take the leap fully conscious of the payoff you might lose.
I love teaching my Level 1&2 students how to tap on Secondary Gain (aka unconscious payoffs of staying stuck). When they tap on the payoff, they train their brain to see that the reward of risk far outweighs the reward of staying in their comfort zone.
What do you do when you take the leap? Action. And with every action, comes an equal and opposite reaction.
Blocks #6: Resistance to Taking Action
Picture a stair climber. Every step requires resistance, or you’d make zero progress. Some people don’t like resistance so they push that down arrow, lower the resistance, and make less progress. No judgment, just the reality of choices. The people who learn to associate resistance with progress, push the up arrow, and end up going the extra mile in the same amount of time.
More resistance = Bigger reward.
What’s similar between a stair climber and your current career goal? Resistance comes in the small steps, not the big dream.
When you think about making multiple six from writing a book, I bet you feel zero resistance.
But when you break that goal into small micro steps, like waking up an hour earlier to write, editing a scribbly notepad of free-write, and learning to write book propsal, I bet you feel some pangs of dread or just ughhhhh.
One of my favorte things to tap on with new EFT students is their resistance to these micro steps.
Try it with me:
Write your goal
Then write the first 5 steps.
A Step is never “Launch the website” …
Buy domain name.
Make payment for website builder.
Write homepage copy.
Write about page copy.
Hire photographer or buy stock photography.
I’m talking ONE step at a time.
Then circle the step that triggers the most resistance.
Tap as you picture yourself taking that step. Tap until the resistance is replaced with motivation (which statistically is the side effect of tapping).
I love love love getting emails from students after a tapping session that says, I did it! I finished my goal! And it was so much easier than I thought!
The ease comes when we tap away the triggers, the beliefs, and the payoffs that keep us stuck.
Then, forward progress happens naturally.
Inside my Level 1&2 portal I included a future self EFT meditation. It guides clients to get super clear on their future self, and then even more clear on the beliefs and blocks that might get in the way.
It’s a required prework assignment before the live training because I want them to tap through those blocks during our workshop time.
Since the workshop (and level 3) kicks off on Tuesday, I already know what I’ll be tapping through.
What about you?
If you want to learn to tap on the roots of Deservingness, Procrastination, and Secondary Gain, enroll in time to set your intentions with your first tapping modules!
Let’s break free,
P.S. This is the last time I will onboard new students who want to become practitioners for the foreseeable future. After this cohort I will focus on training my graduates in business, passive income, and specialty EFT topics. If you want to join us, click Add to Cart and confirm your 12 month payment plan ($299) or discounted full pay via cart page.
P.P.S If you’re interested in dual track (meaning not only learn trauma informed EFT but learn somatic inner child and parts work) scroll to bottom of the page here. You’ll enroll in both but at a major discount.