Week 2: Cultivate Curiosity
Just imagine… your child came to you crying and you said stop stop stop. I wish you wouldn't make so much noise. Shut up. You are a bad girl for feeling so anxious/sad/scared.
You wouldn’t do this! No, you would ask questions. You would explore why they felt anxious/sad/scared.
In my book I Can't Believe I Dated Him, I refer to this step as plugging into the message. Instead of ignoring your feelings, you explore why you feel this way, and what you need in order to feel better.
This week you will curiously explore the message beneath your anxieties. Then you will commit to fulfilling the deeper needs that arise.
Start your journey by watching the Week #2 Overview & Mindfulness Strategy Video here.
Then, download and complete the Set Your Focus PDF before diving into the weekly resources.
Step 1: Watch the Week #2 Overview & Mindfulness Challenge
Step 2 Set Your Intention
Set this week’s intentions with your Cultivating Curiosity PDF:
Step 3: Listen to the meditation
Body Awareness & Breathwork Meditation to shift from suppressing anxiety to curiously listening to its deeper needs.
Step 4 The Writing Exercise
Grab your journal and foster self-directed curiosity with this creative writing exercise that connects you to your inner child:
Step 5 The Creative Exercise
Engage your unconscious mind and inner child more deeply with this week’s creative exercise, the Inner Child Poem:
Do you ever feel so anxious that you want to curl up in a ball? You're not alone. When we feel overwhelmed, it’s usually a sign that our present is triggering our past. By curiously exploring our anxiety as a message from our inner child, we can begin to move from debilitating fears to gentle curiosity.