Week 3: Let’s Get Vulnerable

Have you heard the quote: "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasures you seek"? I wish I could take credit for this truth bomb. What Joseph Campbell meant was that when we face our fears, we bring them into the light. When we voice our fears, we take power back from them.

Courageous vulnerability is the name of the game this week. In my book, I Can't Believe I Dated Him, I refer to this step as getting honest. Getting brutally honest about your truth allows a deeper truth, or "treasure" to emerge. 

Start your journey by watching the Week #3 Overview & Mindfulness Strategy Video. Then, download and complete the Set Your Intention PDF before diving into this week’s resources.

Step 1: Watch the Week #3 Overview & Mindfulness Challenge

Step 2 Set Your Intention

Set this week’s intentions with your Let’s Get Vulnerable PDF:

Step 3: Listen to the visualization

Meet Your Inner Sage Visualization to shift from fear-based thinking to your higher mind.

Step 4 The Writing Exercise

Grab your journal and get courageously vulnerable with this week’s Release Control Writing Prompt.

Step 5 The Creative Exercise

Integrate the conflicting parts of self through comic drawing in this Inner Guard versus your Inner Sage drawing exercise:

When we own our shadow, it can no longer own us. When you encounter a fearful or insecure part of yourself this week, practice owning it! Admit the truth. THe more you get honest, the less threatening those inner truths will feel. Nine times out of ten, those truths, will sound more and more like fiction when you bring them into the light.

When you are ready to move to the next lesson, navigate to Week 4: Intention below.


Week 2: Cultivate Curiosity


Week 4: Connect With Your Deepest Intentions